Okay, so there are a few reasons why this week’s post is labeled the way it is. First of all, this past Sunday was Easter Sunday, and as many of you have probably heard, people often say “Hoppy Easter” instead of “Happy Easter,” to play on the fact that the Easter bunny is a well-known aspect of the holiday. I also thought it was appropriate because this past week was so hectic that I felt like I was constantly bouncing from one thing to the other, although I was very happy to be able to go home and see friends, family, and my boyfriend. So therefore, combining “Hoppy Easter,” the fact that I felt like I was constantly bouncing from one thing to another (hopping, like a bunny, if you didn’t get that reference), and the fact that I was fortunate enough to have a very happy long weekend at home, this week is titled “Hoppyness.”

Since we had no school on Good Friday or Easter Monday, I left to fly home to Philadelphia, PA on Thursday night. Luckily for me, one of my roommates gave me a ride to the Charlotte Airport so I didn’t have to leave on the 3pm shuttle right after helping with Open House at HPU until 2:30, and instead we left at 3:45. Alright, so I got an extra 45 minutes and it may not seem like much but it was nice not to be rushing out the door. Plus, who wouldn’t enjoy an hour and a half car ride with one of their best friends? Exactly. So I get to the airport, still early for my 8:25 flight, but I can’t complain since I already had better travel plans than my original idea of taking the shuttle. My flight was delayed (unfortunate, but only for about 45 minutes so it wasn’t terrible) but eventually I got home and was greeted by my mom at the airport. I must say, as old as I get, I will never stop smiling every time I see how happy my mom is when I come home. It’s nice knowing she missed me!

I wasn’t going to work while I was home, since it was only for the weekend, but it still managed to be very hectic. As someone who likes being busy, I was perfectly happy. I got to see all of my friends and spend time with each of them, spend time with my boyfriend, and still have plenty of time to see my parents and my brother. I went from lunch with my family to hanging out with one of my best friends, to dying Easter eggs (another thing my mom was super excited about, but hey, I have to admit it’s still fun), to going out with friends, visiting everyone at work (you get really close with your coworkers when you work in a restaurant, and I absolutely love it!) and spending time with my boyfriend after he had been working all day. I was able to see friends I hadn’t seen in a few months and that’s always pretty great too.

On Easter Sunday, after church my parents, my brother and I took the train up to Long Island, NY to visit the rest of my family. We had a nice Easter dinner at my Aunt’s house, listened to some crazy stories from my grandparents, and smiled and nodded at the typical “You got so big! Look at you, you’re growing into a beautiful young woman” comments from my aunts and uncles who I hadn’t seen in a while. After dealing with my crazy family (who I have to admit, is hilarious and should have their own TV show), my parents, brother and I took the train back home. Now, being 20 years old, I still went out that night even though my parents wondered how I still had the energy, but hey, I was only home for a weekend and I wanted to make the most of it and see as many people as I could! I flew back to school Monday night and was as ready as I was going to be to get back into school mode.

Since I had two major tests on Thursday, I spent all day on Tuesday and Wednesday studying, so much that I thought my head was going to explode. Even though one of my tests was all essay questions and therefore required a TON more studying in order to make sure I could get the most points possible, my other test was multiple choice, matching, and fill in the blank so it wasn’t as nearly as terrible. They kind of balanced each other out. Between classes, studying for my tests, working two nights as an OA (I’m in Finch, too- oh joy!), and working on some freelance graphic design jobs for clients, I barely had time to sleep. But, as it is now Thursday night and my tests are done, at least my next exam isn’t until Monday so I have a couple days to focus on that. Overall, it wasn’t a bad week, just very busy! I was thankful to go home and spend time with my friends and family for Easter, even though it was just a long weekend. It’s always nice to see them!

Oh, and did I mention that I’m meeting Lee Brice tomorrow before the HPU Spring Concert? Pretty cool! Since the contest was an album cover design, and I’m a graphic design major, I decided to do it just for more practice. Turns out, I was one of the winners and I get to go to the meet and greet before hand! So at least the week is going to end on a good note, and I’ll take it as a reward for the crazy past couple days of studying. 🙂


  1. You’ve had a very busy couple of weeks, but also very awarding. Loved hearing about your visit to NYC and the internship opportunities that are coming your way. Also loved your picture of the 911 Memorial in NYC!


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